Jibrin Ibrahim The disease, Covid-19, hit the world with a bang and one clear message. Neither ideology nor political system would determine the impact of the disease. Covid-19 is a litmus test for all governments on two issues - governance capacity and...

Panamá desnuda ante los ojos del Covid-19
Jul 14, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Harry Brown Araúz 1.Panamá antes del Covid: crecimiento económico, desigualdad y exclusión política. Como en el famoso cuento de Hans Christian Andersen, en el que la mirada inocente de un niño develó una vergonzosa situación que siendo evidente era...
The COVID-19 pandemic and politics in Africa
Jul 9, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Sophia Moestrup At the outset of the coronavirus pandemic, there was widespread concern that Sub-Saharan Africa’s weak health care systems would not withstand the onslaught of sickened patients. Observers also worried that fragile democratic systems would be no...
COVID-19 in Norway: A high-trust society and consensus democracy confronts a pandemic
Jul 7, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Leiv Marsteintredet In March of this year Norway was hit not by one, but by two simultaneous crises. First of all, the COVID-19 pandemic led to the most intrusive measures by any government since World War II and to the almost complete close-down of the country...
Costa Rica frente al COVID-19, algunos aciertos y muchos retos
Jul 2, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Ilka Treminio Sánchez Contexto La pandemia del COVID-19 llegó a Costa Rica con un primer caso detectado el 6 de marzo de 2020. El presidente de la República, Carlos Alvarado, se encontraba a las puertas de cumplir su segundo año de mandato tras ganar en segunda...
A German Miracle? Crisis Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Multi-Level System
Jun 25, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Markus B. Siewert, Stefan Wurster, Luca Messerschmidt, Cindy Cheng and Tim Büthe As of mid June 2020, approximately 188,500 people have been infected by the novel COVID-19 virus in Germany ultimately resulting in around 8,800 deaths.[1] Even though COVID-19...
The Presidency, Federalism and the COVID-19 Response in the US
Jun 23, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Royce Carroll With nearly 120,000 deaths and over 2 million cases to date, the US has emerged as one of the hardest-hit countries from the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite having some of the earliest documented cases and highest baseline risks, the US response has...
A Small Step in the Right Direction: Congress, Trump, and the Inspectors General
Jun 16, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Andrew Rudalevige This month saw the latest salvo in the Trump administration’s war against Congressional oversight – but this time, for once, it was fired from Capitol Hill. Even more surprisingly, it came from the Republican Senate, which despite its...
Perú: El Ejecutivo en la lucha contra el COVID-19 y el aislamiento político
Jun 11, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences, Special Reports
Milagros Campos Martín Vizcarra es un presidente sin partido político y sin bancada en el Congreso. Fue el Primer Vice Presidente de Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, a quien sucedió tras su renuncia en marzo de 2018, luego que se frustrarse su destitución por incapacidad...