Alexandra Artiles, Martin Gandur and Amanda Driscoll Introduction On March 6, 2020, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear declared a state of emergency in response to the novel coronavirus, and would issue a stay-at-home order before the end of the month. Governor...

Collectivism and populism in the era of antivax (1)
Oct 2, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Paulo Boggio and Carolina Botelho In the midst of the greatest pandemic of our generation, many scientists are working hard to find a vaccine. Only with mass vaccination will it be possible to achieve the so-called collective immunity. However, some people...
Sobre llovido, mojado: El impacto del coronavirus en el Chile post-estallido
Aug 20, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Valeria Palanza y Magda Cottet Antes de marzo de 2020 y de que comenzara la expansión del coronavirus en Chile, en el país la mayor preocupación era el levantamiento iniciado en octubre de 2019 y la situación política y social que lo motivaba. La movilización...
Cómo Uruguay Enfrentó la Pandemia del Coronavirus
Aug 6, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Daniel Chasquetti Los exitosos resultados de Uruguay en el combate a la pandemia fueron ampliamente destacados por diferentes organizaciones multilaterales y por los medidos de prensa internacional. El secreto del buen desempeño reside en la combinación de tres...
Executive response to COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria
Jul 16, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Jibrin Ibrahim The disease, Covid-19, hit the world with a bang and one clear message. Neither ideology nor political system would determine the impact of the disease. Covid-19 is a litmus test for all governments on two issues - governance capacity and...
Panamá desnuda ante los ojos del Covid-19
Jul 14, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Harry Brown Araúz 1.Panamá antes del Covid: crecimiento económico, desigualdad y exclusión política. Como en el famoso cuento de Hans Christian Andersen, en el que la mirada inocente de un niño develó una vergonzosa situación que siendo evidente era...
The COVID-19 pandemic and politics in Africa
Jul 9, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Sophia Moestrup At the outset of the coronavirus pandemic, there was widespread concern that Sub-Saharan Africa’s weak health care systems would not withstand the onslaught of sickened patients. Observers also worried that fragile democratic systems would be no...
COVID-19 in Norway: A high-trust society and consensus democracy confronts a pandemic
Jul 7, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Leiv Marsteintredet In March of this year Norway was hit not by one, but by two simultaneous crises. First of all, the COVID-19 pandemic led to the most intrusive measures by any government since World War II and to the almost complete close-down of the country...
Costa Rica frente al COVID-19, algunos aciertos y muchos retos
Jul 2, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Ilka Treminio Sánchez Contexto La pandemia del COVID-19 llegó a Costa Rica con un primer caso detectado el 6 de marzo de 2020. El presidente de la República, Carlos Alvarado, se encontraba a las puertas de cumplir su segundo año de mandato tras ganar en segunda...