Luis Bernardo Mejía-Guinand 1.Introduction Few days after the first COVID-19 patient was confirmed in Colombia, both the government party Centro Democrático, and the opposition parties, asked President Duque to decree a state of emergency to...

COVID-19 in Argentina: an authoritarian turn is not an option
Apr 23, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Yanina Welp Alberto Fernández, a peronist leader from the Justicialista Party (PJ) took office on December 10, 2019, after winning the presidential elections as candidate for the Everyone’s Front coalition. Former president Mauricio Macri (2015-2019) from the...
The Japanese response to the Coronavirus Outbreak. A challenge to Japan’s democratic institutions ?
Apr 16, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Antonio Benasaglio Berlucchi The spread of the new Coronavirus in Japan has been slower and apparently less severe than in other countries. However, the growing number of infections urges government’s rapid intervention to contain the epidemic and to limit...
The President of the Council of Ministers in the Italian Coronavirus Emergency. Chronicle of a Primacy Foretold
Apr 9, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Fortunato Musella In emergency times monocratic actors strengthen their position. Also in Italy, although the Constituents have been very cautious in providing with norms on possible suspension of parliamentary form of government after the end of fascist...
The Corona-pandemic in Central and Eastern Europe – Between concerted executive action and creeping authoritarianism
Apr 2, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Philipp Köker The Corona-pandemic has executives around the world facing new and in fact unprecedented challenges. While international media attention on Europe has largely focussed on Western European nations– notably on the Italy, Spain, Germany and the UK –...
El Estado de Alarma para afrontar la crisis del coronavirus en España
Mar 27, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Mercedes García Montero España está siendo uno de los países más castigados por la pandemia del coronavirus. Los datos oficiales a 26 de marzo de 2020 revelan 56.188 contagiados y 4.089 fallecidos lo que sitúa al país en el segundo lugar tras Italia en número de...
Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Mar 23, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Presidents are facing unforeseen challenges worldwide. The coronavirus pandemic and its impacts have escalated rapidly, fueling panic among citizens and investors, and pressured the Chief Executives of governments for timely and effective responses. Not surprisingly,...