Philipp Köker The Corona-pandemic has executives around the world facing new and in fact unprecedented challenges. While international media attention on Europe has largely focussed on Western European nations– notably on the Italy, Spain, Germany and the UK –...

El Estado de Alarma para afrontar la crisis del coronavirus en España
Mar 27, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Mercedes García Montero España está siendo uno de los países más castigados por la pandemia del coronavirus. Los datos oficiales a 26 de marzo de 2020 revelan 56.188 contagiados y 4.089 fallecidos lo que sitúa al país en el segundo lugar tras Italia en número de...
Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Mar 23, 2020 | Special report: Coronavirus outbreak, presidents’ responses, and institutional consequences
Presidents are facing unforeseen challenges worldwide. The coronavirus pandemic and its impacts have escalated rapidly, fueling panic among citizens and investors, and pressured the Chief Executives of governments for timely and effective responses. Not surprisingly,...
Gender in the Executive Branch in Brazil, 1995 – 2019
Feb 5, 2019 | Brazilian Presidential Transition
Daniela Rezende and Mariana Cockles The process of cabinet formation under the Bolsonaro administration generated many uncertainties due to the then-candidate’s assertion that, if elected, he would not replicate old political practices, such as the allocation...
Structural Reforms in the New Government
Jan 22, 2019 | Brazilian Presidential Transition
Coalition presidentialism is defined as a multiparty system in which the president faces big challenges to govern due to the high party fragmentation that makes the formation of a majority in Congress more difficult. So, she/he forms a coalition for her/his own...
The foreign policy of Jair Bolsonaro: what do the choices tell us?
Dec 27, 2018 | Brazilian Presidential Transition
Ever since the first decade of the 20th century, the Brazilian diplomatic agency is widely-known for its profissionalism, bureaucratic insulation and political autonomy within the federal government. Brazil´s foreign policy over the last one hundred years has focused...
Political Appointment in the brazilian executive branch: What will influence presidential strategies?
Dec 20, 2018 | Brazilian Presidential Transition
Appointments to positions in the Brazilian executive branch are directly related to choices about how to build and manage coalitions in multiparty presidential governments. These positions allow for a degree of discretion as to who will occupy them, so they are used...
¿Qué nos muestra el equipo de transición de Bolsonaro sobre su futuro gobierno?
Dec 6, 2018 | Brazilian Presidential Transition
En el 28 de octubre de 2018 Brazil escogió a su nuevo presidente. Las elecciones fueron marcadas por un clima de grande polarización entre la extrema derecha y la izquierda y el resultado de las urnas dio la victoria al candidato del Partido Social Liberal (PSL), Jair...