Rethinking coalitional presidentialism: pre-electoral bargaining and government formation in Latin American countries*
André Borges, Mathieu Turgeon, and Adrian Albala Extant research has often assumed that post-electoral incentives and constraints play a...
The 2020 US Presidential Election
Royce Carroll The 2020 election was undoubtedly a pivotal election for the United States. The Trump administration had been marked by a...
2020 Brazilian Municipal Elections: what is at stake?
Marta Mendes da Rocha The Municipal Elections that will be held next November 15 in Brazil have attracted wide attention from the media and...
El rol de los partidos y su institucionalización en la estabilidad de gobiernos latinoamericanos (1979-2018) ¹
Christopher A. Martínez Sabemos que los partidos cumplen una serie de tareas fundamentales para el buen funcionamiento de las democracias....
Testing Democracies for the Virus: The Experience from the Americas, First Round
Javier Corrales and Philip Corbo The Pandemic has demonstrated that a terrible underlying condition making democracies vulnerable to the...
Las primeras damas en política: Lecciones desde America Latina
Carolina Guerrero Valencia La participación política de las primeras damas latinoamericanas ha aumentado considerablemente en las últimas...
América Latina vota (2017-19): elecciones en el marco de democracias fatigadas
Manuel Alcántara Sáez 1.Introducción La gran heterogeneidad de América latina no impide señalar como un denominador común su estabilidad...
Mauricio Macri is Finishing his Term
Mariana Llanos On Sunday 27, October, Argentines go to the polls to elect a new president. Ruling President Mauricio Macri from the...
Taming Chile’s Presidencialismo?
Christopher A. Martínez Introduction Proposals that seek to do away with presidencialismo are not scarce in Chile. Several scholars, Juan J....