Executives, presidents and cabinet politics
Center for Legislative Studies (CEL)
Universidade federal de minas gerais (UFMG)

Administrative unilateralism of presidents in Latin America: regulatory selectivity and particularism
This research investigates how presidents make decisions when Congress and ministers resist their government agendas in six Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru and Paraguay).

Um retrato de 2024: direita cresce, centro e esquerda recuam ainda mais
Carlos Ranulfo Melo – Um dos assuntos que tem permeado a discussão no período posterior às eleições municipais é a (quase) ausência de uma polarização nacional nas disputas.

A ruína do consenso de Washington: Trump, tarifas e a estratégia do Brasil
Pedro Feliú – A ruína do consenso de Washington: Trump, tarifas e a estratégia do Brasil – Desde o término da guerra civil nos EUA (1861-1865) até o início da Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Washington costumeiramente aplicava tarifas comerciais ou para proteger a indústria infante ou para angariar recursos.

We are a network of researchers focused on presidents, executive-legislative relations, and cabinet politics. For more than a decade, we have been developing important debates and analyses on these topics, focusing on Brazilian and comparative politics. Our team is composed of collaborators from Brazil and other countries around the world. We are institutionally linked to the Federal University of Minas Gerais, one of the most respected universities in Brazil and Latin America.


Seminário Presidência, Gabinete e Burocracias
In the run-up to the 2022 presidential elections, the PEX Network brought together an extraordinary group of scholars and practitioners to debate the challenges for the new government and for Brazilian democracy. This lively debate highlighted the political, administrative and institutional problems facing the new government and was subsequently published in the book Presidente, Gabinete e Burocracias: o que a nova administração Lula precisa saber | Magna Inácio (org.)